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Monday, 25 July 2016

Chemical Peel at Skin Philosophy Barnes

Hello, you beauties! I hope your all well and loving this glorious weather we have been having lately. So I want to talk about my visit to Skin Philosophy based in Barnes. The clinic prides itself in tailoring treatments for the individual in question. So I was rather excited about the prospect of having a tailored made treatment that suited my skin requirements.  The Clinic is based in Barnes, I drove in and found parking opposite quite easily. I love that, no parking dramas.

I walked in and was greeted by a lovely receptionist, I then met Annalouise Kenny. She is the managing director at Skin Philosophy, she is classically pretty with amazing skin. She gave me a warm welcome and we commenced into a side room so she could start my consultation.

I was given a questionnaire to do, then both Annalouise and I went through it. Lately my main concern has been very dry skin and I have been super paranoid about fine lines. My remit to Annalouise was "I want my skin to stay forever young, like vampire skin" She gave me some everyday tips to help dry skin and preserve the elasticity in our skin.

1. Water and we are not talking 6 small glasses a day, its like all day every day. Water is what keeps our skin plump and hydrated. This will preserve our skin and give us a healthy glow.

2. SPF SPF SPF the sun ages our skin, and being of Asian origin I just assumed my makeup is enough. Wrong always wear sun screen under makeup to protect your skin.
3. For dry skin use hydrating creams and for fine lines products with a high content of Retinol A. This will safeguard your skin from further wrinkles and reduce the apperance of fine lines.

My lovely friend Annie had a consultation and a chemical peel. She has oily skin, so if you do, please head over to see the do's and the do not's for oily skin at Musings of a Makeup Junkie

I was then ready to find out about the egg like contraption, that I noticed as soon as I stepped into the room. This is a facial scanner machine that maps the face and gives a full in depth analysis of the skins health. It takes multiple high resolution images of the face and underlying layers of skin. The naked eye can not see this microscopic detail. It then puts images on to the computer.

Annalouise and I went through each section, pores, wrinkles, spots, sebum and skin tone. My biggest problem dehydrated skin, that I knew already, but to see it on a screen with figures for what it should be hit home. I also have a lots of pores on my nose and forehead. Miracloulosy my wrinkles are way below what they should be for a person of my age. I have been paranoid for so long and this analysis finally put to bed my fear. I have been considering Botox for a while. Annalouise told me that I do not need it just yet and to up my skincare regime, to preserve my skin and combat aging. For me personally seeing images really helped my self esteem, I now know what the issues are and have a solution to resolve it. Annalouise then recommended a treatment plan, starting with a superficial chemical peel, upping the intensity for the next 2 visits. Then needling. Click on the links so you can read about both treatments in depth. Dermaquest Skin Peel and  Medical Micro Needling Pen

I was then ready for my treatment, I was led to my room. The clinic is a tardis it goes on and on, array of treatment rooms, all painted in white, it has a feeling of peace and tranquilty. I loved my treatment room, large, airy and lots of natural light.

I got comfortable and my superficial chemical peel commenced, it lasted for half an hour. I have done a small video so you can see, exactly what takes place. I was so relaxed and nodded off a few times. As it was a very light chemical peel I didn't have no after care to worry about. I didn't wear makeup for the next 24 hours and I do this after every facial that I have. Chemical Peel Video

It is coming up to a week since I had the chemical peel and all I can say is WOW. My skin looks amazing to the point I haven't worn foundation since the treatment, first time in decades. My light pigmentation has all but vanished and I feel confident within myself. This is something I didn't expect, I thought maybe it will improve my skin but I wasn't prepared for the new found self esteem.

I have also started using these products recommended by Annalouise, I will do a post in a few weeks time to let you know how I have got on. So far so good and they are available to purchase from Skin Philosophy. I would like to thank the team, for being so attentive, knowledgeable and welcoming.

To have a complimentry skin analysis and consultation -

Email - info@skinphilosophy.co.uk
Web - http://skinphilosophy.co.uk/
Tel - 0208 3929411 

Would you have a chemical peel? 

Till next time my beauties, stay beautiful inside and out x


  1. Lovely to discover your blog and many thanks for visiting my blog.
    The treatment must have been lovely.
    Have a great week

  2. Great post! Greetings! Have a lovely day!:))


  3. Thank you for sharing such an informative post about chemical peels!

    Come visit us soon
    Makeup, Style and Sugar

  4. Great place!!!
    Have a good week!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  5. This was an interesting read as I've been contemplating getting a peel too but for my sun tan. DO you think it would help?

  6. Your consultation sounds as though it was super useful! I'm also concerned about dry skin and so the tip on water has been a great reminder for me too - grabbing another glass right now :)


  7. I've always wondered what a chemical peel was like, this doesn't seem too bad at all! :)

    Velvet Blush

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Thank you for sharing such a good review. Skin peel London treatment is really wonderful for skin rejuvenation. I had it 2 months back and my skin is still fresh and glowing.


I really appreciate your feedback and comments, thank you. I enjoy reading blogs so please do leave your link so I can. Have a wonderful day lots of love Babbling On x